Programs & Events
The EDIC has hosted various events and workshops that were social, supportive or educational in nature. We’ve had recovery related workshops, hosted professional Naloxone training, run step groups, held dances, talent shows, comedy nights and crib tournaments. Many people have volunteered their time to create new, sober experiences for everyone to enjoy.
For a list of events and programs we are running, please see bellow. If you would like to start a new event or activity at the club, please contact us at or reach out to the events committee at
Free Games Night!
Sat Jan 11, 6-9pm
Come enjoy sober fund and fellowship. Bring friends, snacks and your favorite board games or come play some of ours!
12 Steps in 2 Hours
Right on Ron & Amazing Ashely
Sunday Feb 9 from 1:30pm - 4pm
We will Teach you, Work them, Do them.
Please register with Terry:
First 40 people will get sheets.
Snacks and Refreshments will be available.
Social Events
Thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of club volunteers, the club was able to host several successful social BBQs this summer which brought Fun, Food and Fellowship to club attendees and hand full of suffering alcoholics and addicts in the community. As the summer season comes to an end, those volunteers have organized themselves into an active social events committee which has already hosted a Thanksgiving Potluck dinner and which continues to plan new and exiting social events at the club! Don't miss out; check this page regularly for announcements! Also, if you would like to learn more about our events committee or to get involved, feel free to attend a committee planning meeting which happens every Wednesday at 11am in the Big Meeting room, or email: and let us know. We would love to have you with us!
Upcoming Events:
Jan 18: Game Night 4 - 7pm
Jan 25: Movie Night starting at 4:30pm
Feb 1: Free Bingo Night 4 - 7pm
EDIC Logo Making
The EDIC is looking for a new Logo to use on our website, letterheads, etc. Rather than hiring someone from outside of recovery to make one, we'd rather see what our community comes up with!
If you are artistic and have any interest in winning $100 we would LOVE to see your submission! Just read the poster to the right for details and email your submissions to no later than December 20. The winner will be announced on Jan 10th of 2025.
Paul's Recovery Cuts
One of our members has graciously volunteered his time on Saturday mornings to help the community by providing hair cuts. These are paid by donation so that those who can support the club are able and those who are in early recovery are afforded the dignity of a cleaner look whether or not they’re financially secure yet. What’s more, people are able to socialize in a friendly and supportive environment. Paul is there from 9am - Noon on Saturdays. To ensure a spot, please swing by earlier in the week to add your name to the sign up sheet located on the club’s public bulletin board.
Clubhouse Video and Streaming Production Program
The club has invested in camera, editing and zoom conference equipment for use by meetings and club members. Capitalizing on the clubs strong Internet connection, some meetings have already begun to include hybrid services which allow remote members to connect through the club’s paid tier zoom account. We are currently working on creating some in house tutorials and public information videos which will be appearing on our website in the future. If you would like to know more about these evolving programs or want to learn more about zoom meeting options at the club, please email “